Brand new hacker loser testing the tripwire. I think things are heating up with me blabbing about taking it to the hacker losers. They are attacking my website by name LOL. Bring it on hacker losers. I will contact every $&%^#@’ing ISP on the planet as I see you and report you. You harass me and I’ll harass you back! Let the take down begin. I will cut you off at the knees because the ISP’s won’t stand for this kind of abuse once they have a big fat tattle tale like me calling them.

This was an FTP blast. Come on…seriously? So childish. I am blocking your entire network now idiots until I hear back from the ISP’s abuse email which is: “guowei.pangw [at]”. Oh and by the way alibaba…do you have a hacked network? Maybe you need our services?