Do you know why block lists are the past and Whackers for Hackers is the future?
Because firewalls (even “cloud based” firewalls) only benefit the few who use them and one at a time. There’s no single source to block things for everyone. Think antivirus here. How many antivirus companies are there and how many viruses are there and does one antivirus kill them all? No!
What’s Whackers for Hackers going to do? We’re not suggesting we have an answer for firewall problems and we’re not suggesting you don’t block – in fact, keep up the good work but we have another idea that can help everyone and not just you – the smartest IT person out there.
By crowd funding our startup we can report offenders to the companies who manage the servers, websites or access points hackers are using. Instead of adding yet another abusing jerk to your block list that others might not know about we actually contact the companies with direct access to the system that’s been hacked or compromised to clean it or shut the abuse down!
We plan on aggregating over 200 block list providers plus log snippets of offenders then report them. This will take time but we can do it!
We need your help! It will be like a neighborhood watch for the Internet!
Click here for the GoFundMe page:
Here’s an example of a request I just submitted on an alert I just got to a Greek ISP on the other side of the planet: